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weixin_39783426 2021-01-06 19:02 首页 开源项目 Add deepchem_nightly pip packageI ve been doing a bit of research and Travis-CI has pretty decent support for deploying to PyPi:
I propose that we leverage this support to put up a deepchem_nightly package. DeepChem development is proceeding rapidly and there are a lot of utilities that mean developing on nightly is much nicer than 2.3.0.
If folks are ok with this idea, I ll go ahead and put up a PR
该提问来源于开源项目 deepchem/deepchem
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weixin_39707201 2月前This issue is fixed by #1986
DeepChem nightly version is installed by
pip install --pre deepchem点赞 评论 复制链接分享
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weixin_39707201 2月前deepchem-nightly works well! I appreciate your working!
But, i think it is not necessary to separate packages like deepchem, deepchem-nightly.Like DGL, it is better to publish nightly version as a prerelease. My image is the following.
Official version
pip install deepchem
Nightly version
pip install --pre deepchem
I think it is better not to have two packages in the terms of maintenance cost.
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weixin_39783426 2月前Ok, I think deepchem-nightly is now working! https://pypi.org/project/deepchem-nightly/#history
-02110114 Could you try swapping JaxChem install over to deepchem-nightly to see if it works for you?
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weixin_39783426 2月前I think to generate release builds, we can use a before-deploy script https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment-v2#running-commands-before-and-after-the-deploy-step and a conditional deploy https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment-v2/conditional alongside Travis-CI support for multiple deployments to generate deepchem builds on tags
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weixin_39783426 2月前 1960 set up the first part of a framework for this, but the twine upload is currently failing as follows:$ twine upload -r pypi dist/*Uploading distributions to https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/Uploading deepchem-nightly-2.3.0.tar.gz100%|██████████| 307k/307k [00:00 00:00, 962kB/s] NOTE: Try --verbose to see response content.HTTPError: 400 Bad Request from https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/Invalid value for classifiers. Error: Classifier License :: OSI Approved :: MIT is not a valid classifier.点赞 评论 复制链接分享
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weixin_39707201 2月前Currently, I think we can install deepchem HEAD codes by the following commands.
$ pip install git https://github.com/deepchem/deepchem
However, this command is slow because it clones the deepchem repository... (The repository is a a little big, almost 700MB) So, I seem that your idea is better
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